When contacting the company, who does the client speak to?

When clients contact Matula Masonry they will be put directly in touch with our owner, Todd Matula. Todd will walk the client through each step of the building process.

How does Pricing Work?

Pricing varies depending on the project type, site conditions, materials type, time needed to complete the project, and difficulty of the project. Our bidding manager will meet with you in person to determine the cost. Your first estimate is free.

What is the client's role in the project?

The client decides on the material type, design, and final look of the project. It is our job to make sure we meet the client's needs and wants.

How do you follow up with customer's after the completion of the project?

30 days after the project is completed, and the site is cleaned, we will contact the client via phone or email. This follow up will include a survey about our services.

What type of payments do you accept?

We accept cash and major credit cards. No personal checks. 

How long do you have to wait before you can apply pressure to new concrete work?

When a new driveway is poured it needs time to set. We recommend waiting a minimum of 1 week before driving on it. To walk on the concrete we recommend to wait a minimum of 1 day. This is a standard for all of our concrete work.